Our Projects
Learn more about our past and current projects below.
Current Projects
The Restoration Team welcomes volunteers, who are essential to completing the many projects the team implements. If you are interested in participating in a specific event/volunteer day or becoming a regular volunteer with the Restoration Team, please visit our Give Pulse page or contact us at serving@pcei.org. See below for current project details.

West Fork, Little Bear Creek
City Park, Troy, ID
Install in-stream structures, stabilize stream banks, and re-establish native riparian vegetation to improve steelhead habitat.

Nora Farms – Dry Creek
Troy, ID
Re-establish native vegetation to improve water quality and wildlife habitat.

Bill and Jocelyn’s Homestead
Genesee, Idaho
Reduce agricultural runoff entering the watershed and restore wetlands with native vegetation to improve water quality and wildlife habitat.

Big Meadow Creek
Troy, Idaho
Reduce agricultural runoff entering the watershed and stabilize stream banks with native vegetation to improve steelhead habitat.

Palouse Nature Center Wetland
Moscow, Idaho
Increase native vegetation to improve water quality and wildlife habitat.

Rose Creek Nature Preserve
Near Albion, Washington
Increase native vegetation to improve water quality and wildlife habitat.

Completed Projects
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or visit our “Get Involved” page to join in on our current projects!